5 Ways to Take Care of Your Feet

National I Love My Feet Day happens every August and at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle we’d like to take this opportunity to share some tips for keeping your feet and ankles healthy.

  1. Practice good podiatric hygiene. Each day you should wash your feet with soap and warm water. Dry them completely—don’t forget the spaces between your toes. Keeping your feet clean and dry can reduce the chances of bacterial and viral infections.

  2. Inspect your feet regularly. Get in the habit of checking your feet and ankles for changes that may signal a potential problem. Look for swelling, cuts that don’t seem to be healing, toes moving out of place and abnormalities in shape, color or temperature in your feet. If you find anything unusual, have our foot doctor, Lawrence J. Kales, DPM, check it.

  3. Don’t go barefoot. Keeping your feet covered is the best way to protect them. When you are barefoot you have an increased chance of cutting or injuring your feet. You also are exposing your feet to bacteria and viruses, which are spread by direct contact and can cause fungal toenails, athlete’s foot, and warts.

  4. Choose shoes wisely. Look for shoes made of natural materials that allow your feet to breathe. Good shoes should provide support to the arch and the ankle and have ample room in the toe box—you should be able to wiggle all your toes freely and there should be a ½ inch of space between your longest toe and the front of your shoe. Don’t wear heels over 2 inches as these compress your toes and increase the risk of falls and sprains. Get rid of shoes that are stretched out, have holes or other defects.

  5. Don’t ignore foot pain. Pain in your feet or ankles is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. In the vast majority of cases delaying getting pain evaluated results in a worsening of your condition. If you are experiencing any podiatric discomfort, contact our Hudson (727-868-2128) or Spring Hill (352-683-5799) office for an appointment as soon as possible.