A Little Foot Tender Love and Care

Caring for your feet and nails can seem like an unneeded additional chore but in reality, proper care can actually save you a lot of hassle down the road. Good foot care can improve your overall health and may cure other underlying problems. Not sure where to start to get your feet in tip-top shape? Here are some of the best and easiest tips you can use to spruce up your feet and get them in proper order.

  • Cleaning your feet every day is very important. When cleaning your feet be sure to use soap, warm water, and something to give them a good scrub. This will ensure that bacteria are killed and no infections begin.

  • Don’t forget to look at your feet. Properly inspecting your feet can prevent you from severe complications down the road. A quick exam can shed light on lesions, wounds, ulcers, swelling and more.

  • Make sure to keep your feet dry. Bacteria like to live in damp places and wet feet stuck in dark shoes are the perfect breeding ground for infections. This type of environment also promotes friction and blisters on the feet.

  • When going out to the gym or the pool, think about bringing a pair of flip-flops or water shoes with you. This will help prevent your feet from getting hurt from debris, picking up a warts virus or getting a fungal infection.

  • If you are prone to excessively sweaty feet, think ahead. Bring along extra pairs of socks and shoes and change them out at least once a day. This helps to prevent blisters, smelly feet, and fungus.

  • Grooming your toenails is important and should be done properly. Be sure to cut all nails straight. Nails that are not cut properly will begin to curl and dig into the toe. This can lead to ingrown nails and infection.

Basic foot care starts with a lot of prevention. If you are suffering from a foot or ankle problem because of the lack of grooming and care then you should see a podiatrist immediately. They can help treat your concern and implement a foot care plan that’s right for you and your future. Call Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, of Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, located in the nature coast area of Florida. Dr. Kales will help you learn to properly care for your feet at our Hudson and Spring Hill, FL offices. Call 727-868-2128 or make an appointment online today.