Fungal Infection Protection!

Most people have seen pictures of toenail fungus flying around on the internet. Most people with agree that this type of foot condition is both a medical and cosmetic issue. Unfortunately, even the best podiatrist can have a hard time treating a fungus due to their nature and type. Some funguses are easier to tackle than others and because of this, it is extremely important to be proactive to try to prevent them before they even start. Here are some easy tips and tricks to keep fungus off toenails and feet.

  • Use proper hygiene regularly. This tip might seem like a no-brainer but it is one of the most important steps in preventing fungus. Regular inspection and sanitation are the first lines of defense in the battle of fungal nails.

  • Bacteria that create fungus often like damp and dirty feet. Keep your feet dry and clean and you’ll be fungus free forever.

  • Use simple soap and water. Not only will it prevent fungus but it can also help prevent dry skin on the feet.

  • Pop on a pair of shower shoes when using a public restroom. This is because fungus can be contagious and passed from one person to another. Pools, spas, and locker rooms are known for the breeding of fungus due to their perfect environment.

  • If your shoes or socks get wet the. You should change them right away. This is because the dampness can enhance the problem fungus.

  • Trim your toenails straight across. This will help prevent ingrown toenails which can also prevent fungal infections from cropping up from the open wounds.

  • Wear shoes that fit right and that are made out of breathable material so that they do not trap moisture.

  • Go to a salon or spa that is certified and thoroughly disinfects their foot and nail utensils. Cross-contamination can cause a severe fungal nail break out that can lead to an even more severe fungal infection.

Being proactive is a great way to prevent the beginning of a full pit fungal war. If you have questions on preventing fungus so that your feet are clean and happy, call Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, of Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, located on the nature coast of Florida. Podiatrist Dr. Kales will help you manage fungal problems. Call 727-868-2128 or make an appointment online today.