3 Frightening Foot Symptoms

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At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know our Nature Coast patients see lots of scary sights at this time of the year. One place where you don’t want to find anything horrifying, however, is on your feet! The three symptoms below might give you a scare. If you have them—or any other unusual symptoms—your first step should be to contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799. Our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, will examine your feet and determine the source of your symptoms as well as the appropriate treatment.

Short Toe—Even the name of this condition is scary: Brachymetatarsia. It occurs when one of your metatarsal bones fails to develop fully. Although you’ve likely had this condition all your life, it may not have been painful up till now. One toe being dysfunctional can cause foot pain by throwing off the proper distribution of your weight. Patients with this condition may also develop a painful callus on the toe, making it feel like you’re stepping on a pebble when you walk.

Blue Skin—Discoloration of the skin in your ankles and feet, particularly to a bluish color, can be the result of restricted blood flow to your lower extremities and a sign of a circulation problem. Since this is often associated with several serious health conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease, it’s imperative you not delay seeking an evaluation from the podiatrist.

Pus—This oozing whitish fluid certainly seems like something that belongs in a Grade B horror movie, but it is one symptom that should cause you concern because it most likely indicates the presence of an infection. It may be the result of an ingrown toenail, an untreated case of athlete’s foot, or an injury. In any case, immediately report it to the foot doctor and get medical treatment, particularly if accompanied by a fever.

The trick to avoiding fear-inducing foot symptoms is to monitor your feet regularly and get changes evaluated promptly. If you have any questions about your feet, contact us today.