Staying Healthy--Staying Hopeful


At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know it’s tough on our Nature Coast patient to hear the news about spikes of new cases of COVID in our state. It’s important that we don’t lose ground in the care of our health, both physical and mental. Below are a few reminders we hope will be helpful at this time.

Meeting Healthcare Needs

It’s essential you not put off podiatric and other health care, particularly for acute or new conditions that develop. We continue to maintain safe practices to meet your healthcare needs. You should contact our Hudson office (727-868-2128 or 352 683-5799) to make an appointment to see our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, if any of the following pertain to you:

  • You have regularly scheduled diabetic care or a checkup. If you are a diabetic patient and you notice an open wound, redness, pain, blisters, a rash, or any other changes in your feet, please contact us immediately.

  • You have sustained a foot or ankle injury.

  • New symptoms of foot pain have developed.

  • You notice changes in a mole or freckle on the skin of your feet.

If you currently have a foot or ankle surgery or other procedure scheduled, feel free to contact us to see if there are changes to the treatment plan that you need to be aware of.

Keeping a Positive Focus

In addition to taking care of your physical health needs, it’s important to maintain good mental health during this challenging time. Some ways to cope include:

  • Don’t backslide on the good habits that you’ve started. If you have developed a new, safe exercise plan or improved your diet, don’t allow stress to cause you to give up on them.

  • Keep to a routine where possible. Daily rituals help us stay grounded and give us a sense of security.

  • Stay in touch with family and friends. We’ve all learned new ways of being together. Reach out to others who may be vulnerable at this time.

  • Reflect on how far we’ve come. Take note and continue to enjoy the opportunities that have opened since the beginning of the pandemic.

  • Plan activities to look forward to. Whether it’s social-distance walking with a friend, having dinner with your “safe circle,” or even doing research for a future travel destination, anticipating good times with those we love can help everyone stay hopeful and as upbeat as possible.

If you have questions about your podiatric health, don’t hesitate to contact us.