5 Surprising Ways to Improve Foot Health


April is National Foot Health Awareness Month. At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to share some ideas with our Nature Coast patients to improve the condition of their feet and prevent common podiatric problems you may not have thought of.

1. Get Your Eyes Examined—What’s the connection between eyes and feet? Many trips and falls that result in foot and ankle injuries are the results of poor vision. Your eyesight can slowly change, so you may not notice a significant decrease in vision. Annual exams will help ensure good eyesight and reduce the risk for this type of injury.

2. Put Some Shoes On—We’re seeing more patients with unexplained foot pain these days, which is getting traced back to people staying home where they go barefoot or wear slippers or flip-flops all day. Without adequate arch support, the plantar fascia can become inflamed, causing arch and heel pain.

3. Eat More Kale (and Okra, Broccoli, and Collards)—These green vegetables are all excellent calcium sources. With nearly a quarter of all the bones in your body being in your feet, getting adequate calcium amounts is essential. If you’re not a dairy fan, look to these vegetables and other non-dairy foods or supplements to reach your quota.

4. Take a Walk—Another post-pandemic problem many patients are dealing with is unwanted weight gain. A recent survey by the American Psychological Association found 42% of the adults surveyed gained an average of 29 pounds! Increasing exercise and physical activity can help you lose weight and improves circulation.

5. Don’t Procrastinate Making Podiatrist Appointments—Whether it’s to address new foot pain or to check up on chronic issues like bunions or diabetes, don’t put off making your appointment. Podiatric disorders are almost always easier to treat successfully with less invasive therapies when diagnosed in their early stages. Contact our Hudson office (727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799) so that our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales,  can diagnose and treat any foot or ankle problems promptly.