Your Feet Need Love


Each year in August, we at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle celebrate National “I Love My Feet” Day. Sometimes we wonder what our feet might say to us if they could talk. Perhaps it might go something like this:

Dear Human,

I know we’re in a committed relationship, but lately, I’m feeling a bit neglected. I love enabling you to stand, walk, run, jump, and do all the fun activities you enjoy like shopping, playing with your grandchildren, and taking in the sites when you travel. Sometimes, however, I feel taken for granted—like you only notice me if I’m not feeling fully up to doing what you want me to. I would feel a lot more loved if you could make a few changes:

1.  Could you commit to some basic foot care? I don’t need much but washing me daily with soap and warm water (and, of course, drying me completely so that I don’t get athlete’s foot), dusting me with a little powder in the morning, and using a moisturizing lotion on me before bed would greatly improve my sense of worth.

2.  How about thinking about my needs? I try hard to meet all your needs, what about mine? I really function much better when I am wearing shoes that are the correct size. When’s the last time you got me measured? Also, let’s get rid of those old stretched-out shoes—every time I have them on, I feel like I’m going to trip and fall.

3.  Perhaps you could give me a special gift now and again? A professional massage would feel so wonderful! I would also really like an anti-fatigue mat to put in front of the kitchen sink. Even little things, like propping me up on a soft pillow at the end of the day, would show me you cared.

4.  Don’t let me suffer in pain needlessly. When I hurt, please don’t wait—get in touch with the podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, as soon as possible. He’ll figure out the source of my discomfort and know just how to make me feel better. You can contact him in the Hudson office by calling (727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799).

With a little effort and tender loving care, I would stay healthy and allow you to remain active for many years to come. Let’s keep this beautiful relationship going strong!

Love always,

Your Feet