If the Shoe Fits—Your Feet Will be Healthier

During January, there’s a special day we at Pasco Hernando Foot & Ankle like to remember: National Measure Your Feet Day. Because your feet are the foundation of your entire body, if they are out of alignment due to poorly fitting shoes, it can also lead to knee, hip, and back problems. Wearing the proper size shoe is key in preventing foot pain and many other disorders.

Why Feet Size Changes

Your foot size can increase for several reasons, including:

  • Falling arches can make your feet longer and wider

  • Pregnancy

  • Weight gain

  • Natural slackening of tendons as you age

Wearing too-tight shoes can cause blisters, toe deformities, nail damage, and ingrown toenails. However, buying shoes that are too big can lead to shin splints and trip and fall injuries. Several types of shoes (dress, athletic, hiking boots) may require different fits to complicate matters further.

Finding the Right Size Shoes

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure this out on your own! Start by visiting our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, to get your feet evaluated. If you have a chronic podiatric condition, the foot doctor may recommend the styles and types of shoes that will be most comfortable for your feet. Some foot problems can be resolved with custom orthotics. These devices fit your unique foot and are designed to wear with your shoes. It’s important to take your orthotic with you when trying on new shoes. Some other tips to help ensure a proper fit include:

  • Have your feet measured at a reputable shoe or athletic footwear store.

  • Make sure you measure both feet. It’s not uncommon for one foot to be larger than the other. You should get shoes that fit the bigger foot.

  • Shop at the end of the day—that’s when your feet are the largest. It will make it easier to buy shoes that will fit your feet pain-free all day long.

  • Wear or bring the same type of sock that you plan to use with the shoes you are looking to purchase.

  • ·Try on both shoes and take your time walking around the store in them. After removing, check your feet for any red marks that may indicate rubbing or friction.

If you have additional questions about shoes and the health of your feet, contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 for an appointment.