4 Ways Athletic Trainers Can Help You


At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle we know that many of our patients enjoy active lifestyles and love participating in sports and fitness activities. Injuries, over doing it and complications due to existing foot and ankle disorders can all conspire, however, to make exercise less enjoyable.

When that happens, our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, will examine your feet and determine the source of your symptoms. A treatment plan that best suits your condition and your lifestyle will be created.

Another person who can help with the recovery and management of chronic podiatric problems is an athletic trainer. In honor of National Athletic Training Month, we’d like to offer the following ways an athletic trainer can help you maintain a strong exercise program and good podiatric health:

1.       Modifying training regimen. An athletic trainer can devise a practice schedule that will allow sufficient periods of rest and activity to allow for recovery and healing of podiatric issues related to sports and exercise.

2.       Build up strength. Athletic trainers can show you exercises that will help build up supporting muscles in your lower extremities and also help you remain flexible.

3.       Find cross training options. Many injuries such as shin splints and stress fractures are caused by repetitive strain during weight bearing activities. An athletic trainer can recommend other fitness workouts such as deep water running, biking or swimming that help you achieve your fitness goals without doing more damage to your lower extremities.

4.       Educate. In order to be a successful athlete, you need to eat a nutritious diet that contains necessary amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates to keep your body health and strong. An athletic trainer can offer tips on how to best achieve this.

Exercise and sports are an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Don’t let foot or ankle pain stop you from reaping the benefits. To learn more ways to help increase comfort and avoid injury to your feet while exercising contact our Spring Hill (352 683-5799) or Hudson (727-868-2128) office.