5 Resolutions to Make for Better Foot Health

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Weight loss, exercising regularly, learning a new skill—these are some common resolutions people will be making on New Year’s Day. Here at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle Foot & Ankle, we’d like to suggest some resolutions to help your feet. Small changes can make a big difference in your podiatric health and significantly reduce your risk for several common foot and ankle disorders. Below are five to consider.

  1. Inspect Your Feet Regularly—Foot problems diagnosed in their early stages are much easier to treat and usually have speedier and better outcomes. Look your feet over completely and check for unusual changes such as swelling, growths, joint shifts, bruising, changes in skin or nail color, and decreased sensation. Report anything suspicious to our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, by contacting our Hudson office at 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799.

  2. Get Rid of Shoes that Hurt Your Feet—The pain you feel is a sign the shoes are harming your feet. Choose styles with adequate arch support, stable heels, and roomy toe boxes. If the podiatrist has prescribed a custom orthotic, be sure it fits in your shoes. It’s also a good idea to get professionally measured when buying your next pair of shoes—it’s not unusual for foot size to increase as you age.

  3. Limit Barefoot Time—With many of our patients spending more time at home, it’s no surprise that we’re getting more complaints about heel pain. The reason? Patients are going barefoot or spending all day in slippers with no arch support. An excessive amount of time spent out of regular footwear can cause stress to the arch, leading to heel pain. Put shoes on daily—even when you’re staying home.

  4. Be Diligent about Nail Care—Toenails should be cut straight across but not too short, or you’ll end up with ingrown nails. Never file with rounded edges. If you have diabetes or another condition that causes poor circulation, it may be best to have the foot doctor provide nail care.

  5. Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices—Eating a nutritious diet, avoiding being overweight, exercising regularly—these all impact your overall health and ultimately the health of your feet. Improving your health habits will mean healthier feet and a healthier you in 2021.