“Why Are My Heels Hurting?”

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At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle this is one of the questions we hear from patients most often. There are many different reasons for heel pain. Below are three common ones that we see right now.

  1. Flat Foot Fatigue—many patients staying home because of the pandemic are experiencing the unexpected side effect of increased heel pain. The reason for this is when you’re not leaving the house, you tend to wear slippers or go barefoot. Extended periods in shoes with little or no arch support put pressure on the plantar fascia—the long band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. It, in turn, puts pressure on the heel and causes pain. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to this problem: wear shoes even when you’re not going anywhere.

  2. Fashion Boot Fail—stylish boots are part of the winter fashion scene, but many of these shoes are notorious for having poor arch support. Similar to the barefoot/slipper scenario above, if you wear this type of footwear frequently, you may be experiencing hurting heels more often. Look for boots designed to provide good arch support. And, if our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, has prescribed a custom orthotic, be sure you are wearing it in all your boots and shoes. It’s also a good idea to alternate your shoes.

  3. Achilles Tendonitis Flare Up—this inflammation of the long tendon that runs down the back of your leg from your calf to your heel may first manifest with pain or tenderness in the heel, mainly when you try to stand on your toes. If a new exercise program is a part of your resolutions for 2021, you may be trying to do too much too soon. The sudden increase in activity can cause Achilles tendonitis. Stretching properly before exercise and choosing a program that builds gradually in intensity and duration are your best defense against this condition. 

If you are experiencing heel pain and are unsure of the source, don’t hesitate to contact our Hudson office at 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 for an evaluation.