Walk Your Way Fit in 2021


If you’re like many of our Nature Coast patients at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, getting in shape may be at the top of your list of New Year’s resolutions. Regular exercise has many benefits for your feet and your whole body:

  • Helps maintain an appropriate weight. Being overweight can cause or exacerbate several podiatric conditions like plantar fasciitis and arthritis. Heavier people increase their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension—diseases that can also negatively impact the health of your feet.

  • Improves circulation. Getting oxygen-rich blood to your legs and feet is essential for health and healing.

  • Maintains flexibility. One way to keep joints healthy and functioning as you age is to use them! Regular physical activity flexes joints and decreases stiffness and pain.

  • Improves mental outlook. A positive attitude is more important than ever during these challenging times.

One of the best and easiest forms of exercise is walking, especially if you’ve been inactive for some time. Walking can be done outside at a socially safe distance or indoors if you have a treadmill or access to an indoor track. It doesn’t require any expensive equipment, and you can get started today.  Like any successful and sustainable fitness program, however, a little preparation is helpful. Below are some tips for creating your walking program:

  • Start by consulting your physician before starting a new exercise program. It’s also a good idea to schedule a checkup with our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales. The foot doctor will examine your feet and ankles and advise you if you have a chronic foot condition such as bunions or Achilles tendonitis.

  • Get a good pair of walking shoes. Your regular sneakers may or may not be up to snuff for a serious walking program. The podiatrist can advise you if there are styles that will better accommodate any foot issues you have. You may want to visit an athletic shoe store and consult with a professional to ensure you get well-made shoes and a proper fit. If the foot doctor has prescribed a custom orthotic, be sure it fits comfortably in the shoes you choose.

  • Make a plan. There are many walking programs available online. Look for one that matches your current fitness level. A good program will start slowly and then gradually increase in duration and intensity. Allow periods of rest between walking days initially.

  • Have fun! You may want to listen to books or music while you walk (just keep one ear free to hear traffic and other noises). Or consider walking with a buddy at a safe distance or via face time.

If you experience any pain once you start walking, don’t wait to contact our Hudson office at 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 to get it evaluated. Happy walking!