Preventing Fractures as You Age


Presidential hopeful Joe Biden recently took an unexpected turn, and it didn’t have anything to do with the election results. He slipped and twisted his ankle while playing with his dog Major, causing a hairline fracture in his forefoot. At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know as you age, the risk for breaking a bone increases. The bones in your feet are particularly susceptible due to the high amount of strain placed on them and the weight they carry. There are steps you can take, however, to help prevent fractures.

Be Diligent about Diet—the food you eat can play a significant role in the health of your bones. It's essential that you get plenty of calcium throughout your life, but it's never too late to increase your intake. Talk to your doctor about your correct daily dose of calcium and add extra dairy products, leafy greens, and supplements to your diet as needed. It's also essential to maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight or obese increases your chances of fracturing a bone in your foot.

Keep on Moving—regular exercise is essential for health and flexibility. It's best to vary your fitness activities to avoid overstraining one area, leading to a stress fracture. Weight-bearing exercises will help boost bone strength.

Fall-Proof Your Home—falls are a significant cause of fractures. Take the necessary steps to make your home safe. Add extra lighting on stairs and in hallways. Put up grab bars in bathrooms and make sure stairs have a railing on both sides. Remove throw rugs, plant and magazine stands, and electrical cords from walking areas.

Make Smart Footwear Choices—often an ankle-twisting injury or fall can be avoided by wearing shoes that support your feet and promote greater stability. Replace shoes that are stretched out or worn. Avoid heels higher than 2 inches and boots or shoes with slippery, tread-less bottoms.

Get Regular Podiatric Checkups-- our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, can help identify your risk for fractures and work with you to do everything within your control to keep your feet safe and healthy. Contact our Hudson office by calling 727-868-2128 or 352-683-5799 to arrange an appointment.