Help Your Feet by Reaching a Healthy Weight


March is National Nutrition Month, and at Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we know that what you eat impacts the health of your feet in many ways. One that is particularly important is whether or not the type and amount of food you consume is causing you to be overweight. Many lower extremity issues are caused or made significantly worse by carrying excess pounds, including plantar fasciitis, chronically weak ankles, and flat feet. In addition, our Nature Coast patients who are overweight increase their risk for systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, which are also associated with foot disorders. Below are some tips for reaching a healthy weight to improve your podiatric health.

  • Start smart—talk to your physician about a healthy weight loss plan and set some realistic goals. At, you can find a plan that will give you the amounts of each food group that you need daily. A registered dietitian nutritionist can help customize a plan if you have special needs.

  • Make small changes—there are many strategies that can help you lose weight, such as swapping flavored seltzer for soda, reducing portion sizes, or limiting the number of times each week that you have dessert. Don’t try to change everything all at once. Pick one or two things you know you can do and concentrate on those until they become well-established habits.

  • Start your meal with lower-calorie foods like vegetables, salads, and fruits.

  • Don’t skip meals. Eat three well-balanced meals a day or several smaller meals throughout the day.

  • Slow down. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the message that you’re eating. Practice chewing more slowly, putting your fork down between bites and not putting more food in your mouth until you have swallowed what’s in there.

  • Add some exercise. Schedule an appointment at our Spring Hill (352 683-5799) or Hudson (727-868-2128) office so that our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, can examine your feet and check on any chronic podiatric problems that may interfere with your ability to be physically active.

Your knees, ankles, and feet will thank you for every pound you lose! If you have additional questions about your overall health and your feet, don’t hesitate to contact us.