15 Ways to Treat Your Feet


Do your feet hurt? Are they tired and achy at the end of the day or stiff when you first get up in the morning? At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want our Nature Coast patients to be diligent in caring for their feet. Suddenly or consistent discomfort may be a sign of a podiatric disorder and should be evaluated by our podiatrist, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales, at our Hudson office (727-868-2128 352-683-5799). Sometimes, however, your feet just need a pick-me-up or a simple home treatment to ease soreness and help them feel re-energized. Below are 15 simple ways to soothe your feet.

  1. Get a professional foot massage or perform one on yourself.

  2. Get rid of any shoes in your closet that are too small or worn out.

  3. Apply a rich moisturizer to your feet every night before bed.

  4. Decrease sodium intake—your feet will swell less.

  5. Roll your foot on a frozen water bottle. Ahhhh…..it decreases inflammation and feels great!

  6. Put your feet up for at least 20 minutes at the end of the day.

  7. Flex your toes and rotate your ankles when sitting or lying down.

  8. Do planks (or other core exercises). Why? Strengthening your core can take the pressure off your feet, ankles, and knees.

  9. Add cushioned insoles to your shoes—some are even available with reflexology trigger point massagers.

  10. Put an anti-fatigue mat in front of the sink or other area where you stand for long periods.

  11. Try a softening foot and heel mask for deep skin rehydration.

  12. Get a shower foot scrubber—rubber nubs make foot cleaning easy and improve circulation simultaneously.

  13. Cool off or turn up the heat with re-usable booties that contain gel packs that can be frozen or microwaved depending on your need.

  14. Add some heel pads to your shoes to relieve pain and give a thinning heel pad a little help.

  15. Invest in an electric massager. These are available in a wide range of price points and can be for feet only or your entire lower leg and foot.

Remember, you only get one set of feet! For more information on how to take the best care of them, contact us today.