Foot-Friendly Gifts for Everyone on Your List


Finishing up your holiday shopping? At Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle, we want to make a few suggestions for gifts that are good for the feet and sure to please those left on your list.

Moisture Wicking Socks—for the hiker or other sport enthusiast you’re buying a gift for, consider a good quality pair of socks that wick moisture away from your skin. Not only will these keep feet warmer, but they will also help reduce the risk of fungal infection and athlete’s foot by helping to keep them dry.

A Super Emollient Moisturizer—dry skin on the feet can lead to itching and flaking and even painful cracking. This can be an ongoing problem for diabetic patients whose sweat and oil production can be altered due to the disease. Wrap with a pair of fuzzy socks so your recipient can put the moisturizer on each night and then the socks to help the lotion get absorbed.

An Insulated Water Bottle—you may wonder what benefit a water bottle is to your feet but staying hydrated can prevent edema—swelling—of the feet and ankles and also help keep skin from getting dry.

Anti-fatigue Mat—know someone who spends long hours on their feet on the job or in the kitchen? An anti-fatigue mat can greatly reduce the pressure on your feet—by as much as 30%.

Foot Massager—foot massage can help improve circulation and decrease pain from conditions such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Foot massagers are available in both manual and electronic models. Not to mention the fact that it just feels so good at the end of a long day.

Gift Certificate for a Pedicure—a professional pedicure makes feet pretty and is very relaxing. Just be sure to do your research and choose a reputable salon that follows the proper sanitizing procedures for tools and foot baths.

After a long holiday season, gifts that soothe sore feet will be greatly appreciated. Give yourself the gift of good podiatric health and be sure to make an appointment at our Spring Hill (352 683-5799) or Hudson (727-868-2128) office if you are experiencing foot pain or other abnormal symptoms. Our podiatrists, Dr. Lawrence J. Kales and Dr. Alexis Kreplick, will ensure that your holiday season is merry and bright by tracking down the cause and prescribing the correct treatment.